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Google Sheets Invoice Template

Take the stress out of invoicing with free Google Sheets invoice templates for Canadian business owners.

Download Google Sheets Invoice Template

Customizable and easy to use, professional invoice templates provide the framework to impress clients and streamline your business. Invoicing templates help ensure error-free invoices with CRA-complaint prompts and a downloadable format for proper documentation.

Start sending professional invoices instantly by downloading the free Google Sheets professional invoice template or any of the industry invoice templates below, and check out our selection of invoice templates for more options.

Free Invoice Generator

Create a professional invoice at a moment’s notice with the Free Invoice Generator. Create invoices online with ease as invoice generator allows you to generate a tailored, professional invoice in minutes.

More Invoice Template Formats

Word Invoice Template

Word invoice templates provide a simple solution for invoicing on a widely used program, offering compatibility with many different types of devices and software.

Excel Invoice Template

Excel invoice templates are easy to edit and offer formulas that make calculations a breeze. They help save time and reduce errors by doing all the calculations for you.

Google Docs Invoice Template

Google Docs invoice templates offer a collaborative experience. Different users can edit documents simultaneously, making it ideal for businesses with remote teams or client collaboration.

PDF Invoice Template

PDF invoice templates offer a file format that is widely used and accessible to many. These templates have the option of password protection to keep sensitive payment information secure.

Invoice Templates by Industry

Trades & Home

Designed with your work in mind, our trades and home invoices let you create separate sections for taxes, materials, and labor to provide clear invoices for your clients.


Customizable and easy-to-use legal templates let you show costs, produce invoices on the fly, and save time in your busy schedule.

Marketing & Creatives

With invoices for marketing and creatives, you can demonstrate your creativity with customizable features that make your sales invoice reflect the level of detail you bring to your work.


Impress clients and get paid faster with professional invoices that are tailored to the needs of big and small business owners.


Generic templates feature highly customizable details that allow you to tailor your own invoices with industry specifics that suit the dynamic services you offer to your clients.


Medical professionals know how important it is to be detailed and accurate. Make it easy for patients to understand what they’re paying for with clear invoices tailored to your medical business.


Provide clients with clear estimates for your auto business using easily customizable invoices that are tailored to fit a variety of auto industry needs.

Google Sheets Invoice Template vs. FreshBooks

Invoice templates let you boost your business with professional and customizable features, but nothing beats the ongoing support you get from FreshBooksā€™ accounting and billing software. Here are the key ways Canadian business owners can use FreshBooksā€™ features to help your invoicing process:

Google Sheets Invoice Template




Google sheets Invoice Template

Flexible invoice templates

Printable formats

Email invoices at no cost

Charge Federal and Provincial Sales Tax (like GST, HST, and PST)

Accept payments on invoices

Schedule invoices

Automate payment reminders and late fees

Manage paid and outstanding invoices

Set up deposits for projects

Add discounts and credits to invoices

Automate recurring subscription invoices

Create and send invoices via mobile devices

Access your invoices FOREVER on the cloud šŸ”„

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Helpful Resources

FreshBooks Resource Hub is packed with actionable insights and educational resources to help Canadian business owners thrive. Discover a wealth of invoicing primers and comprehensive guides to fuel your small business journey.

What Are ACH Transfer & How Do They Work?

ACH Transfer: What Is It and How Do They Work

What is Accounts Payable: Definition, Process, and Examples

How Purchase Orders Work. How This Important Document Helps Businesses.

How Purchase Orders Work. How This Important Document Helps Businesses.

How to File 1099 Online: 5 Easy Steps

How to File 1099 Online: 5 Easy Steps

How to Calculate Job Costing | A Complete Guide for Small Businesses

Job Costing: What It Is & How To Calculate It

What Is Double-Entry Bookkeeping?

What Is Double-Entry Bookkeeping? A Simple Guide for Small Businesses

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Google Sheets invoice?

A Google Sheets invoice is a document created using Google Sheets, a spreadsheet program used to bill customers for services. An invoice in google sheets format typically includes the parties involved in the transaction, services offered, cost of the services, and payment terms and conditions.

How can I add my business logo to the Google Sheets invoice template?

Hover your cursor in the top left corner of the invoice template, and a box will appear. Drag your logo file from your desktop into the box, or click the box to select a file to upload. Once your file is uploaded, your logo will appear.

Can I use the Google Sheets invoice template for international invoices as well?

Yes, the Google Sheets invoice templates can create international invoices. When invoicing internationally, make it clear what currency you are billing in. Once your invoicing is complete, Canadian business owners can use FreshBooks to collect international payments from over 200 countries.

How often should I send out invoices?

The timeline for invoices to be sent depends on your type of work. For services offered once, send a link to the invoice once the service is complete. For recurring services, it is common to send invoices on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.

Are there any legal requirements for invoices in Canada?

You are legally required to provide accurate and honest information in your invoices. For example, you cannot bill a customer for work that was not completed or bill customers at a higher rate than agreed upon. Your invoices must also include the appropriate tax rate for the state and the service offered.

Is the Google Sheets invoice compatible with Canadian tax regulations?

The Google Sheet invoice template offers the necessary fields to ensure compatibility with Canadian tax regulations. To ensure your invoice is compatible, make sure you enter the appropriate GST, PST, or HST rates for services provided and provide accurate invoice date information.

Is the Google Sheets invoice easy to use for non-accountants?

The Google Sheets invoice offers an easy-to-use platform for creating invoices without an accounting background. The template includes everything you need to include in your invoice, with clear prompts for what to fill in. Upon filling out the necessary information, you can easily create your invoices without the need for costly accounting assistance.

How can I input multiple items on the Google Sheets invoice?

Multiple items can be input into your Google Sheets invoice template. Upon downloading the template, youā€™ll see eight rows available for items under the ā€˜Descriptionā€™ section. If there are more items to be input, simply add a row to the section and add the additional information in your new row.

Is the Google Sheets invoice compatible with all devices?

The Google Sheets invoice template is compatible with all desktop and laptop devices that run Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari web browsers. Itā€™s also compatible with Android and iOS mobile devices when the Google Sheets mobile app is downloaded.

Is it possible to add a due date on the Google Sheets invoice?

A payment due date can be added to your Google Sheets invoice under the ā€˜Termsā€™ section at the bottom of the page. Simply click under the section header and input all relevant information regarding the terms of payment, including the due date.


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