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5 Sample Estimate Terms and Conditions for Your Small Business

5 Sample Estimate Terms and Conditions for Your Small Business

An estimate is a document that provides approximate costs for a project to a potential client. An estimate isnā€™t binding, but you should still include terms and conditions to clarify details like payment terms. This will make sure that the client is fully informed and thereā€™ll be no surprises down the road.

In this article, weā€™ll cover:

General Estimate Terms and Conditions Sample

This general terms and conditions sample is based on a Shopify template:

1. This estimate is an approximation and is not guaranteed. The estimate is based on information provided from the client regarding project requirements. Actual cost may change once all project elements are finalized or negotiated. Prior to any changes of cost, the client will be notified. Estimate valid for 30 days.

Detailed Estimate Terms and Conditions Sample

Marketing firm Ivie & Associates has a detailed example of terms of conditions. Below is a sample of some of their terms; please refer to their page for the full set of terms and conditions.

2. Services. Upon acceptance by you, Ivie will perform the printing or other services described in the estimate. Any additional services requested by you and not covered by the estimate will incur additional charges.

3. Schedule. The services will be completed and delivery will be made in accordance with the schedule in the estimate, or as otherwise approved by the parties in writing.

5. Changes. Changes in the specifications, quantities, schedule or other aspects of the services that are requested or approved by you do not become binding upon Ivie unless accepted by Ivie in writing. Any such changes may result in additional or increased charges, and you agree to pay such increased charges.

Payment Terms and Conditions Sample

Helpful Home Maintenance has an example of payment terms. This is important so your client knows exactly how and when to pay you. The following example is adapted from the source:

6. Unless explicitly agreed prior to commencement of work, payment will be due in full upon completion of the work or services provided. Where a quotation has been provided, the full amount, less any payments already made, is payable. Where a quotation has not been provided, The Company’s agent will advise the customer of the amount due and will post a detailed receipted invoice within 72 hours.

All prices include sales tax at the appropriate rate.

Acceptable methods of payment are:

  • Electronic Payment (insert method)
  • Cheque
  • Cash (for which a 2.5% surcharge will be payable on amounts in excess of $100)

All materials and goods supplied by The Company shall remain the property of The Company until the full invoice has been paid by the customer.

Marketing firm Ivie & Associates includes detailed instructions on taxes, payment dates and late charges:

7. Taxes. You will be responsible for payment of all applicable federal, state and local taxes and assessments (including sales, use and similar taxes) levied on the transaction contemplated by the estimate. No tax exemption will be recognized unless a valid exemption certificate is provided.

8. Payment Terms. All invoices for services covered by the estimate are payable within fifteen (15) days after invoice date (i.e. net 15). You are not entitled to an early payment or similar discount.

9. Late Charges; Interest. Any invoices not paid by you on or before the due date will bear interest after the due date until the invoice is paid at the lesser of twelve (12%) percent per annum or the highest lawful rate.

Construction Estimate Terms and Conditions Sample

Hereā€™s an example of estimate terms and conditions for construction, also from Helpful Home Maintenance:

Estimates are provided on a best endeavours basis only and, unless a fixed price quotation has been provided to the customer, work will be charged based upon the price of parts provided by The Company plus labour which will be charged by the hour or part thereof and may include time taken to research, source and purchase any materials provided.

Here it includes details about liability:

The Company can only be held liable for the extent of works carried out by The Company. No liability shall be accepted in respect of defects in existing installations or in respect of parts not manufactured by The Company. The Company shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to property, materials or injuries to individuals caused by the personal actions of the customer or other household members or guests before, during or after such works have been carried out.

Design Estimate Terms and Conditions Sample

Hereā€™s sample terms and conditions from an estimate template for graphic design work:

This figure is an estimate, not a quote. It is based on the information provided, and may be inappropriate if additional information is forthcoming, or specifications change. It does not include copywriting, animation, video, third-party artwork, advanced programming functions or web server charges. It is valid for 30 days.

Copywriting Estimate Terms and Conditions Sample

Copywriting firm Brand New Copy has an example of some of the specifics writers need to include in their terms and conditions. This includes details on how many drafts are included and how client consultation is handled:

Our current copywriting fees are Ā£50 per hour, or Ā£400 a day. Before each project, we will provide a quote so that you know exactly how much the work will cost. Any changes to the original brief initiated by the client may require us to adjust the cost. The total price of your project will include:

  • A free quote
  • A maximum of 3 drafts of the project specified in the original brief
  • Any minor amendments to your project
  • Advice and consultation by email as necessary
  • Any additional work requested that isnā€™t covered in the original brief will be quoted separately and added to the original invoice.

The Brief will be supplied by the client and must clearly outline the project requirements. We suggest that you download, complete and return our briefing form to ensure that We have all the necessary requirements beforehand.

People also ask:

What Are Some Proposal Disclaimer Samples?

A proposal is like an estimate but much more detailed. Proposals discuss the value your particular company can offer and include samples from past work or client testimonials. FreshBooks has a Proposals feature which will help you make professional-looking proposals quickly and easily.

Hereā€™s a simple proposal disclaimer:

This document is strictly private, confidential and personal to its recipients and should not be copied, distributed or reproduced in whole or in part, nor passed to any third party.

Deutsche Bank has an extensive proposal disclaimer sample, which is adapted below:

Thank you for your interest in the [attached] information (the ā€œInformationā€). Please note that the Information has been provided to you at your request for discussion purposes only. The Information is confidential and you must not distribute it to any third party, in whole or part, without Deutsche Bank AGā€™s express written permission.

Deutsche Bank AG makes no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or reasonableness of the Information. Any assumptions, opinions and estimates expressed in the Information constitute Deutsche Bank AGā€™s judgment as of the date thereof and are subject to change without notice. Any projections contained in the Information are based on a number of assumptions as to market conditions and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

Deutsche Bank AG does not accept any liability for any direct, consequential or other loss arising from reliance on the contents of the Information.

What Do You Write in a Disclaimer?

Disclaimers should be included in all pricing documents, such as proposals, quotes, bids and estimates.

Itā€™s important to write that the price in your document is ā€œsubject to change.ā€ This will help protect your small business against fluctuating prices.

Just remember that quotes have fixed prices once the customer accepts them, according to Info Entrepreneurs. So a disclaimer saying ā€œsubject to changeā€ will not be appropriate.

  • For example, this travel agency includes the following disclaimer: All prices are subject to change without prior notice due to currency fluctuation, fuel prices and/or unforeseen economic circumstances.

Also include how additional work or price variations will be charged. This is in case the job becomes more complicated than anticipated or a client changes what they want.

  • For example, you could say that additional hours of work will be billed at $50/hour.

Are Disclaimers Legally Binding?

A disclaimer is legally binding as long as it is part of a document that can be considered a contract, according to TermsFeed. Contracts are legal documents.

A contract must:

  • Include an offer
  • Receive acceptance of that offer
  • Be in writing
  • Include obligations

Obligations are the responsibilities of each party. For example, a supplier might provide graphic design services and the client provides payment in return.

Bids and other pricing documents that include a disclaimer and the above elements of a contract can be considered legally binding.

However, documents like estimates donā€™t have offers.The purpose of an estimate is to provide approximate costs. So any estimate disclaimer will similarly not be bindingā€”this article includes more detail on whether estimates are binding.