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4 Min. Read

5 Best Time Management Games

best time management games

These time management games help sharpen your productivity skills in surprising ways!

A time management game is an online game that uses time as a limited resource. You either have a ticking clock or multiple tasks to juggle to succeed in the game.

If youā€™re looking to improve your time management skills, a game may not be your first instinct. Online games are fun and frivolous, right? How could they help you improve your productivity and time management?

This guide will go through the best time management games to procrastinate with!

Hereā€™s What Weā€™ll Cover:

Benefits of Playing Time Management Games

Top 5 Online Time Management Games

Key Takeaways

Benefits of Playing Time Management Games

  • Improves your prioritization skills

    These online games operate on having a large task list and not much time. This means that you have to prioritize certain tasks before the clock runs out. You have to plan ahead and balance tasks as efficiently as possible. Sound familiar?
  • Improves your problem-solving skills

    Being a great entrepreneur is all about problem-solving. So this is one of the best benefits of playing time management games. Many games will challenge you to find creative solutions to varied problems.
  • Improves your teamwork skills

    There are some time management games that involve working with friends. You have to work together to achieve the goal and win the game. Perhaps this isnā€™t the exact same as working on a work project together, but negotiation skills are universal. If you can communicate clearly with your teammates to a create strategy together, you can do this in the workplace too.

Top 5 Online Time Management Games

1. Diner Dash – Best Game for Reaction Time

Diner Dash is a restaurant management game. Help Flo run the busiest restaurant as an efficient waitress.

You have to work quickly delivering the correct food to the restaurant patrons in a timely manner. Keep your customers happy to achieve a higher score.

This game tests your planning skills and your organizational skills. If you love games with time limits, this one is incredibly popular for a reason!

Price: Free

Platforms: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux

2. Jack of All Tribes – Most Popular Time Management Game

Jack of All Times is about the main character Jack. He gets sent back in time to tribal times. You have to help the tribes build shelter and forage for food. The time element comes in as you help the tribes stay safe. This is a super addictive game that you wonā€™t be able to stop playing!

Price: Free

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

3. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes – Best Video Game for Teamwork

This time management game is all about teamwork. You work with your friends as a team. Your success hinges on your ability to communicate and make decisions together.

The strategy behind the game is so fun. You are alone in a room with a ticking bomb. Your friends have the manual to disarm the bomb, but they canā€™t see it!

You have to communicate between you to diffuse the bomb before it goes off.

Price:$5.99-$14.99. It depends on the platform

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone, Xbox One, Playstation 4, NintendoSwitch

4. Good Games Big Farm – Best Casual Game

Big Farm is a dreamy time management game suitable for Windows. The aim of the game is to make your farm thrive as much as possible. Harvest organic produce. Build a beautiful farm village. Care for farm animals. There are so many routine activities involved in upkeeping a farm.

Being a farmer is not easy! Youā€™ll have to organize your time effectively to get it all done. Very much like organizing your to-do list at the beginning of the workweek.

Price: Free

Platforms: Windows

5. Roads of Rome – Best Game for Passing the Time

Roads of Rome is a historical time management game like Jack of All Tribes. The Emperor of Rome, Caesar, has been poisoned. Your job as Julia is to find the antidote before he dies! A bit morbid – yes – but ultimately a good way to train your time management skills.

This game centers on negotiation and strategy. There are 43 levels of play though. So donā€™t procrastinate by playing this game too much!

Price: Free

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Key Takeaways

These games will challenge you in more ways than one. The big takeaway is to remember that recreational activities can still help you develop your work skills.

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